In this map we saw the vanished city of Mari shown in Syria
In this map we saw the vanished city of Mari shown in Syria
The figure of a steward called Ebih-II, clad in his goatskin skirt, Inscriptions on this and other statues unearthed at Mari were written in a Semitic language but used Sumerian cuneiform script. The City lay miles from the Accepted center of Sumerian Civilization, but it was clearly in touch with Sumerian culture, and could offer its people trade links to Syria in the north-west.
The figure of a steward called Ebih-II, clad in his goatskin skirt, Inscriptions on this and other statues unearthed at Mari were written in a Semitic language but used Sumerian cuneiform script. The City lay miles from the Accepted center of Sumerian Civilization, but it was clearly in touch with Sumerian culture and could offer its people trade links to Syria in the north-west.
This lapis Iazuli pendant, delivered by an envoy from Ur, is in the shape of the Anzu bird, associated with a hurricane god, Ningirsu. The bird's wings were said to beat rain from dark clouds, and thunder roared from its lion's head.
This lapis Iazuli pendant, delivered by an envoy from Ur, is in the shape of the Anzu bird, associated with a hurricane god, Ningirsu. The bird’s wings were said to beat rain from dark clouds, and thunder roared from its lion’s head.
Mosaic panels of schist set with mother-of-pearl and ivory decorated the walls of the early palace at Mari. The two soldiers riding in this war chariot are trampling over the limp body of a fallen enemy.
Mosaic panels of schist set with mother-of-pearl and ivory decorated the walls of the early palace at Mari. The two soldiers riding in this war chariot are trampling over the limp body of a fallen enemy.
A statue that once included a lyre, from the shrine of Ninni-Zaza, depicts one of the king's favourite muscians, Ur-Nanshe. His feminine features suggest that he may have been a eunuch.
A statue that once included a lyre, from the shrine of Ninni-Zaza, depicts one of the king’s favourite muscians, Ur-Nanshe. His feminine features suggest that he may have been a eunuch.
Works on the main palace at Mari began just before 2000 BC, when the city was ruled by Ur. More than 200 years later, Zimri-Lim completed it. In this diagram, part of the palace is shown reconstructed.
Works on the main palace at Mari began just before 2000 BC, when the city was ruled by Ur. More than 200 years later, Zimri-Lim completed it. In this diagram, part of the palace is shown reconstructed.
Ancient rubble beside a modern mud-brick building, is all that remains of the palace that covered more than 2ha(5 acres), looking out over the Euphrates, on which Mari depended for irrigation.
Ancient rubble beside a modern mud-brick building, is all that remains of the palace that covered more than 2ha(5 acres), looking out over the Euphrates, on which Mari depended for irrigation.
A stone fountain carved in Mari in about 1700 BC represents an unnamed sea goddess, patroness of fisherman. Pipes once spouted water through the vessel held in her hands.
A stone fountain carved in Mari in about 1700 BC represents an unnamed sea goddess, patroness of fisherman. Pipes once spouted water through the vessel held in her hands.
A wall painting from the main palace at Mari shows a procession of figures leading a bull to sacrifice. The figure on the right is the king, probably Yasmah-Addu, shown much larger to reflect his importance.
A wall painting from the main palace at Mari shows a procession of figures leading a bull to sacrifice. The figure on the right is the king, probably Yasmah-Addu, shown much larger to reflect his importance.


Susa Map, Susa Map used for view vanished area from map.
Susa Map
THE UNFINISHED TEMPLE The kings of Susa undertook numerous building campaigns during its thousands of years as an Elamite settlement. The greatest Elamite King, Untash Napirsha, commissioned these mud-brick steps as part of a temple complex, the ziggurat, south-east of the city Chogha Zanbil. The new complex was not a permanent success-after the king's death, further construction was abandoned.
THE UNFINISHED TEMPLE The kings of Susa undertook numerous building campaigns during its thousands of years as an Elamite settlement. The greatest Elamite King, Untash Napirsha, commissioned these mud-brick steps as part of a temple complex, the ziggurat, south-east of the city Chogha Zanbil. The new complex was not a permanent success-after the king’s death, further construction was abandoned.
Terracotta figurines were common in Susa. Some may have been toys, others perhaps votive offerings or images of gods. Men were usually bearded, like this figure of the late 2nd Millennium BC.
Terracotta figurines were common in Susa. Some may have been toys, others perhaps votive offerings or images of gods. Men were usually bearded, like this figure of the late 2nd Millennium BC.
The crumbling remains of the ziggurat include the tow lowest storeys and the base of the third storey. The inpsired the modern name for Al-Untash-Napirisha: Chogha Zanbil, or Basket Mound. Originally, the temple tower was more than 50m (164ft) high.
The crumbling remains of the ziggurat include the tow lowest storeys and the base of the third storey. The inpsired the modern name for Al-Untash-Napirisha: Chogha Zanbil, or Basket Mound. Originally, the temple tower was more than 50m (164ft) high.
The first building (1) with its central courtyard was constructed inside a walled enclosure. The courtyard was then filled in, and the three extra storeys (2,3,4) added. These consisted of concentric wall of brick, each resting on the ground rather than on the floor below it. A temple (5) topped the whole edifice.
The first building (1) with its central courtyard was constructed inside a walled enclosure. The courtyard was then filled in, and the three extra storeys (2,3,4) added. These consisted of concentric wall of brick, each resting on the ground rather than on the floor below it. A temple (5) topped the whole edifice.
Inscribed bricks in the ziggurat proclaim its dedication to Inshushinak, who was believed to ascend from his temple to the heavens each night.
Inscribed bricks in the ziggurat proclaim its dedication to Inshushinak, who was believed to ascend from his temple to the heavens each night.
Statuettes in precious metal found at Susa depict worshippers bearing offerings. This gold figure carries a kid. It is one of a pair; the other is crafted in silver.
Statuettes in precious metal found at Susa depict worshippers bearing offerings. This gold figure carries a kid. It is one of a pair; the other is crafted in silver.
A naked priest pours water onto the outstretched hands of another figure in the Rite of the Rising Sun. The Elamite king Shilhak-Inshushinak commissioned this bronze model in about 1150 BC.
A naked priest pours water onto the outstretched hands of another figure in the Rite of the Rising Sun. The Elamite king Shilhak-Inshushinak commissioned this bronze model in about 1150 BC.
The Elamites were frequently at war with their Mesopotamian neighbours. In this relief from Nineveh, Elamites defeated by the Assyrian king Assurbanipal attempt to escape their foes while bodies of the slain float downstream.
The Elamites were frequently at war with their Mesopotamian neighbours. In this relief from Nineveh, Elamites defeated by the Assyrian king Assurbanipal attempt to escape their foes while bodies of the slain float downstream.


Map of Catal Huyuk
Map of Catal Huyuk
City on the plain Grass and weeds grow over the excavated ruins of Catal Huyuk. In the background spreads the Konya plain, once an area of swamps and forests, now the wheat bowl of Turkey
City on the plain Grass and weeds grow over the excavated ruins of Catal Huyuk. In the background spreads the Konya plain, once an area of swamps and forests, now the wheat bowl of Turkey
HIGHWAY ON HIGH The roof levels in the honeycombed settlement of Catal Huyuk were stepped to allow light and air into the closely packed houses. The inhabitants reached their homes by walking from roof to roof using steps and wooden ladders.
HIGHWAY ON HIGH The roof levels in the honeycombed settlement of Catal Huyuk were stepped to allow light and air into the closely packed houses. The inhabitants reached their homes by walking from roof to roof using steps and wooden ladders.
Scared Animal Hunting probably had mythological significance in Catal Huyuk. In a scene found in shrine, tiny hunters with bows surround an enormous bull, 2m long
Scared Animal Hunting probably had mythological significance in Catal Huyuk. In a scene found in shrine, tiny hunters with bows surround an enormous bull, 2m long
goddess enthroned A mother goddess gives birth to a human child. supported by wild animals, This clay figurine 12Cm in high, made between 5400 and 5200 BC, was found inside a grain-bin a shrine.
goddess enthroned A mother goddess gives birth to a human child. supported by wild animals, This clay figurine 12Cm in high, made between 5400 and 5200 BC, was found inside a grain-bin a shrine.



EYES IN THE OCEAN Modern submersible allow marine reconnaissance at great dephts. The thick walls of their spherical chambers resist crushing water pressure.
Modern submersible allow marine reconnaissance at great dephts.
The thick walls of their spherical chambers resist crushing water pressure.
FLYING HIGH Seen from the air, enigmatic lines etched into the arid plain near Nazca in Peru Between 200 BC and AD 600 create huge geometric patterns, spirals, and pictures of birds and animals. The hummingbird is 50m (165ft) long.
Seen from the air, enigmatic lines etched into the arid plain near Nazca in Peru
Between 200 BC and AD 600 create huge geometric patterns, spirals, and pictures
of birds and animals. The hummingbird is 50m (165ft) long.
FIRM SUPPORT The Inca wall beneath a church in Cuzco has survived earthquakes which have caused the church to be rebuilt.
Vanished Info FIRM SUPPORT The Inca wall beneath a church in Cuzco has survived earthquakes which have caused the church to be rebuilt.
ANCIENT ICEMAN The radiocarbon investigation of the frozen Alpine body nicknamed Otzi, his tools, and grass stuffed into his shoes dated him to 3300 BC.
Vanished Info ANCIENT ICEMAN The radiocarbon investigation of the frozen Alpine body nicknamed Otzi, his tools, and grass stuffed into his shoes dated him to 3300 BC.
FINDING THE FAKES Thermoluminescence is used to distinguish fake Tang pottery-a popular targe for forgery-from genuine pieces, such as the elegant lady found at Chang'an.
Vanished Info FINDING THE FAKES Thermoluminescence is used to distinguish fake Tang pottery-a popular targe for forgery-from genuine pieces, such as the elegant lady found at Chang’an.
A YEARLY RECORD Rings in trees and wooden beams are correlated to build up a detailed climatic calendar. A section of wood from a living trees (A) matches the later part in a section from a dead tree or wooden beam (B). This Beam is overlapped with an older beam (C). Sections from ever older trees or beams are added to build up a long-term record of Rings.
A YEARLY RECORD Rings in trees and wooden beams are correlated to build up a detailed climatic calendar. A section of wood from a living trees (A) matches the later part in a section from a dead tree or wooden beam (B). This Beam is overlapped with an older beam (C). Sections from ever older trees or beams are added to build up a long-term record of Rings.
MAKING PLANS A diver measures the tagged remains of the Spanish Galleon San Diego (top) of Fortune Island in the Philippines. The Dutch sank it in 1600 during a trade dispute. vanished Info
MAKING PLANS A diver measures the tagged remains of the Spanish Galleon San Diego (top) of Fortune Island in the Philippines. The Dutch sank it in 1600 during a trade dispute. vanished Info
EYES IN THE OCEAN Modern submersible allow marine reconnaissance at great depths. The thick walls of their spherical chambers resist crushing water pressure.
EYES IN THE OCEAN Modern submersible allow marine reconnaissance at great depths. The thick walls of their spherical chambers resist crushing water pressure.
THE GENTLE TOUCH An archaeologist uses a hand-operated air pump (above) to blow sediment away from an Egyptian mummy discovered in the Bahariya Oasis.
THE GENTLE TOUCH An archaeologist uses a hand-operated air pump (above) to blow sediment away from an Egyptian mummy discovered in the Bahariya Oasis.
MAKING PLANS A diver measures the tagged remains of the Spanish Galleon San Diego (top) of Fortune Island in the Philippines. The Dutch sank it in 1600 during a trade dispute. vanished Info
MAKING PLANS A diver measures the tagged remains of the Spanish Galleon San Diego (top) of Fortune Island in the Philippines. The Dutch sank it in 1600 during a trade dispute. vanished Info
EYES IN THE OCEAN Modern submersible allow marine reconnaissance at great depths. The thick walls of their spherical chambers resist crushing water pressure.
EYES IN THE OCEAN Modern submersible allow marine reconnaissance at great depths. The thick walls of their spherical chambers resist crushing water pressure.